Alcohol is present and you can count on the fact that your college kid would and will get his hands on it. This can be a result of peer pressure and the sense to belong. The problem usually starts when your kid goes off to college and is left to deal with an alien environment on his own. The first known reaction is to seek acceptance as quickly as possible into groups that may be present such as fraternities and sororities along with many other organizations that may or may not be recognized by the university. Alcohol is a common ingredient of college life and everybody would agree to consuming it from all levels within college.
It is a mature topic and when you do notice some problems with your child, be sure to act quickly for this may save you and your child a lot of problems in and out of school. Treat them as a part of society and not as your little kid who should follow your commands or else. They would tend to do the opposite if you do impose too harsh a rule so better do it gradually. Seek help from either the school through the guidance counselors or other people who you believe can help you in dealing with the problem. Discuss the problems that they might get into if they do not regulate their habits. Alcohol consumption in moderation is allowable but excessive consumption can have dire legal and financial consequences for the parent. Talk in a non-confrontational voice to prevent your child from shutting himself out preventing further attempts to communicate and always have handy alcohol test. It can be digital breath analyzer or simple simple oral alcohol test . Constant communication is the key to getting trough to your child and it would be best to seek advice from counselors who have had the experience and are competent enough to handle your child’s problem. They also have the advantage of having no emotional attachment and may get through better than you. Other parents can be also a great help especially if they have dealt with the same problems so don’t go at it alone and get someone to help you out.
Schools have support services for these types of problems and they have the ability to monitor your child even without your presence. They can also give you the help you need when it comes to talking for these people have had years of experience and knowledge that has been accumulated from years of doing their jobs. Government agencies also give away free materials that provide information on these problems that you should remember that you are not fighting alone. You might just be surprised at the sheer numbers of parents that have to deal with even more problematic children than the ones you have to deal with. Refer your case to state and private professionals and they may be able to help you in getting your child to quit his habit before it gets out of hand.