Drug Abuse is a real and present threat everyone has to deal with. These problems occur mostly outside of the home and many of us don’t bother to raise awareness and rely on what schools teach your kids before you learn that you have a problem of the same nature within your home. Drug use among kids and teens are a common occurrence and they can be prevented. Most fall prey to peer pressure among the other factors that exist inside and outside of the home. Going to parties, clubs and simply strolling around with friends can end in your teen getting into drugs.
These problems should be addressed quickly and maturely to avoid getting the problem out of hand. Most conservative families simply cannot accept the fact that they do have the problem and wait too long for advice until it is too late. Its good to have on hand a few drug tests at home. Expert advice can be obtained from several government and NGO organizations that provide counseling services to families who have been touched by the drug scourge. They also give recommendations through reading (online or paperbound) materials that can be purchased or read at these centers. Treatment is also a good idea to prevent further problems associated with the many types of drugs that have infiltrated the market and is sadly available to most teens on the streets anywhere you go. Drugs can affect every member of a household and once it is detected should be nipped in the bud to prevent the problem from getting worse. Teens as we all know battle everyday with the need to stay cool with his peers who might be the greatest influencing factor for his/her drug use. Clubbing is also a playground for people who sell drugs for it is said to greatly enhance the effectiveness of alcohol’s effects. In huge doses, any drug coupled with alcohol makes a lethal mix that has been known to kill. The drug scourge is a problem that can be dealt and tackled with way before anyone gets hooked and the problem results in one of many violent crimes that are associated with their use.
Proper counseling and education in the house and in school has been effective to some extent with the majority of teens and kids staying away from them. Parental guidance should address the issue in a way that does not alienate the person concerned and when dealing with kids and teens treat them as if they were on the same level as you. This is very hard to do if you have a conservative family that has relied on years of traditions and customs that to which processes such as these conversations were considered to be taboo and out of the question. Acceptance is the first step, acknowledging that a problem exists allows all members of your family to understand better the problem and gets you all on the right track to help solve the problem by providing the necessary support to both user and parent.
Everybody should accept the problem with open arms and realize that there would be no easy fix for these types of problems. That is why external influences such as counseling of the solicitation of a friend or relative in the process is highly advisable for a third party who is impartial to all concerned may be able to provide the best suggestions and solutions to the said problem. Counseling with people who know what they are doing from services offered by the government and trough privately funded groups can help a great deal for they are impartial and have the experience in dealing with these types of problems in the many cases they have handled. Counseling often extends outside of the institution out to the streets where the battle is being fought and won day by day. Understanding and acceptance is the key to solving these problems so do take careful looks at your teens for you might already be deep in the drug problems most households are experiencing today.