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One other way of monitoring a woman’s ovulation is by using saliva ovulation testers. When a woman is due to ovulate, her saliva begins to form a distinct fern-like pattern as seen under microscope. This happens because of an increase in the level of estrogen present, which in turn causes an increase in salinity. This produces the fern patterns, which begin to appear around three days before ovulation.

Ovulation microscopes are used to read the slide/test card/sample applicator in which saliva was applied earlier. Some test kits only takes up to five minutes of waiting time before the results can be shown. The sample is then inserted into a device that is like a magnifying scope. This allows you to identify what the pattern is like and therefore predict ovulation.

Saliva ovulation tests can detect hormone changes that occur prior to and during ovulation. The duration of a woman’s most fertile period may last from several days before ovulation to 24 or more hours after ovulation. The normal duration of a woman’s fertile period may last around 6 days and ends 24 hours following ovulation. Once a test is taken and results are positive, or if you see ferning patterns under the scope, it means that ovulation is likely to occur within 24 to 72 hours.

Tests should be done on a daily basis. Results should also be recorded on a fertility chart or calendar. It is important to take a saliva ovulation test first thing in the morning. Remember not to take the test after eating, drinking, or brushing your teeth. All of these oral activities may interfere with results. If it is imperative that you test later in the day, try to wait at least 2 to 3 hours after eating, drinking, or brushing your teeth.

Collect saliva sample from under the tongue for best results. Saliva glands are located at that point, so it is easier to get a sample there. Apply saliva with the applicator. You may also use a clean dry finger, or by applying directly. Place the sample on the surface of the lens or your test card. Remember to try not to produce air bubbles in the sample. Allow the sample to dry for at least 5 minutes. You may read the results immediately afterwards.

The following may interfere with results: pregnancy, menopause, hormonal imbalance, supplemental estrogen, and recent discontinuation of birth control medication. This means that your body is not producing sufficient estrogen and therefore test results may become inaccurate. In this case, consult your physician.

According to research studies, saliva ovulation predictor tests are actually 98% accurate when all instructions are followed exactly. Quality commercial Ovulation tests have several plus factors. One is that they are fast and only requires a 5-minute interval for the saliva sample to dry. Once it dries, one can already determine the result by viewing the sample through the lens. Ovulation tests are also sanitary since there are no urine, stool, or blood samples to take. They are also user-friendly since they come in digital format. Using ovulation tests can help you monitor results every day. By doing so, you will be able to learn about your own fertility patterns.

Even women with irregular cycles can use saliva ovulation predictors by allowing them to focus on their estrogen surge. Saliva ovulation tests are early ovulation detectors which can track ovulation with up to 72 or more hours. These tests are also convenient and discreet for they can be used any time in any place. Most ovulation tests available commercially resemble a tube of lipstick. The best thing about these saliva ovulation tests is that they are also affordable. If compared with the cost of urine tests, ovulation microscopes are indeed a pocket-friendly way to predict fertility.